5 of Japan’s most sustainable cities

By Sajana Samarasinghe
A leader of modern economic development, Japan is fostering a strong sustainable future. We chart 5 of the country’s most sustainable cities.

Host of the 2021 Olympics & a leader of modern economic development, Japan is fostering a strong sustainable future. We chart 5 of the country’s most sustainable cities.


1 Kyoto City 


With the increasing use of public transport and car traffic declining year on year, the city is doing well to lower its carbon emissions. One of the ways they are accomplishing this is through the city’s cycle scheme, Pippa. With close to 45 km of official cycleways, exploring the city by bicycle is both convenient and efficient. It is also the secret to seeing the city’s heritage sites.


2 Kitakyushu City


This city underwent an incredible transformation from an industrial wasteland to the thriving city it is today. With its blue skies and diverse marine life due to its stellar waste management, Kitakyushus’s relentless commitment to its environment has received global accolades.


3 Tahara City 


This city has begun exciting new initiatives to become an affluent location where the synergy between agriculture and urban development is achieved. Tahara city supports its educational institutes in developing in-class programs and afterschool activities. There is much enthusiasm to get the youth of the city excited to play their part in a sustainable future.


4 Omihachiman City


Ominhachiman is a small town near Mount Hachiman, in the center of Shiga prefecture. The city focuses on ‘passing traditions to the next generation through preservation of landscapes’ such as the restoration of the Hachiman canal & the waterfront views of Ominhachiman.


5 Iida City 


This city is all about making partnerships with its population to foster sustainable community development. Iida also aims to reduce gas emissions by 10% through the installation of solar panels on the roofs of private homes. 




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