Why you must attend the Africa Australia Technical Mining Conference 2015

With the AusIMM Africa Australia Technical Mining Conference 2015 just over a month away, executives across the country need to consider making the trip to Adelaide this June.
Set to take place at the Adelaide Convention Centre June 11-12, this will be an essential conference in addressing the technological gap in the relationship between the African and Australia mining industries. This year’s theme is “Bridging the technology divide through collaboration,” as it will feature a tremendous lineup of presentations from professionals based in both Australia and Africa.
The list of keynote speakers include CRCMining CEO Paul J A Lever, University of South Australia professor John Ralston and University of Adelaide Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering John Beynon, each of which will discuss a wide range of topics.
Mining in Africa is a huge business and provides excellent opportunities for growth with its global positioning near Asia, the Middle East and Southern Europe. According to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian companies currently hold about 40 per cent of Africa’s internally owned mining projects – far more than any other country. These projects alone are worth over $40 billion, so attending this conference is a must if you plan to make sure your organisation will be part of this enormous development.
Those interested can register here.