Huawei supports and empowers women in tech with new program

In a week where we celebrated International Women’s Day, Chinese multinational tech company Huawei 'chose to challenge' the fact that there needs to be more women in tech by announcing the unveiling of a global program designed to support and empower women in tech.
The Huawei Women Developers (HWD), which is designed to encourage more women to join the tech innovation race, invites women developers from anywhere in the world to create applications and tools that can change the world.
Acknowledging that more opportunities and support must be given to women to ensure they have access both to education and training to compete in the digital economy, this is Huawei’s latest commitment to promoting gender equality.
"We believe that women will lead technological innovation,” announced Huawei Senior Vice President, Chen Lifang. “We hope that the Huawei Women Developers program will help women better leverage their talents and unique value, and give them opportunities to demonstrate their leadership abilities.”
From training to career development pathways
Open to any female developers worldwide, the new program provides participants with opportunities and platforms for both career development and skill training, with training on technological innovation and career development paths, along with opportunities to meet with experts in cutting-edge technologies from various fields, and to participate in hands-on scenario-based experiments and drills.
The aim is to create a special community for women developers with a series of online and offline events to come.
Through its existing US$1 billion Shining-Star program, launched a year ago to attract and call on global developers to develop HMS core apps, Huawei also offers women developers special incentives to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship.
Participants from this program who develop outstanding projects with big potential will have the opportunity to be featured in future campaigns and invited to other official Huawei events.