[VIDEO] What you need to know about Windows 8.1 Update
The main purpose of the Windows 8.1 Update is to make using the Windows 8 operating system easier to navigate for those of us who still use a keyboard and mouse. Windows 8 was released in conjunction with the Surface, their first widespread foray into the tablet game. Many desktop users disliked the new titled screen that the computer booted to, and several years of intuitive usage with Microsoft products and software were replaced overnight.
On systems that are likely to be used with keyboards and mice, Windows 8.1 Update boots right to the traditional desktop screen instead of the titled format. Another new feature includes the ability to launch or close Windows Store apps directly from the task bar. Apps now have a convenient minimize or close option in the top right corner as well.
The video below shares a few more updates, and provides helpful visuals for complete understanding of the update. So far the response to the update has been positive, with several people saying this is how Windows 8 should have been from the start. The update will be available worldwide 8 April.
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