Make It Your Business to Recognise Workplace Performance
Contributed by Dave Thomas
As a small business owner, do you sometimes get so consumed with running a company on a daily basis that you tend to overlook what your employees are doing? If so, you could be missing both good and bad behaviours.
With many business owners having to put in more hours these days in order to sell products and services in a challenging economy, they can, at times, lose touch with what their employees are doing.
In order to have a better handle on what your workers are doing on a regular basis, keep these tips in mind:
- Recognise good performances - It is important to recognise good work on a regular basis. If you can’t provide those who go above and beyond their responsibilities with a monetary reward, look for other ways to recognise their efforts. Some companies give out gift cards, allow employees to take a little extra time off, and single out such efforts via company emails and/or newsletters. Whatever it takes, make sure those who go that extra mile get the deserved recognition.
- Recognise bad performances - Even though you hate to single workers out when the news is negative, it is important for you to not just brush such performances under the rug. First and foremost, do not single an employee out for bad efforts and/or results in the workplace in front of their fellow workers. Not only is it embarrassing to the individual, but it also leaves other workers wondering if you will do the same to them should their work slack off. Essentially what you do is create an office full of workers who are fearful of making mistakes, meaning they may not be as productive as you’d like them to be, simply because they are working from a fear factor. Always conduct bad performance reviews in private with the individual.
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- Recognise your own performance - As the leader of the business, are you doing all you can to lead your team each and every day? Keep in mind that many employees take their cues from the person who runs the company, so don’t think that those around you are not watching. While you have a plate full of responsibilities running a company, ask yourself if you are doing everything possible to lead by example. Remember, your reputation as a business leader is oftentimes on the line, so never underestimate its importance.
- Recognise your competition’s performance - Finally, take a look at how your competitors are running their companies. Are they doing one or more things successfully that you are not, be it marketing, social media, and customer service? Are they doing more with less than you have? Are they recruiting a better pool of employees with whom to grow their business? While the happenings under your own office roof are the most important, it certainly does not hurt to see how others are doing it, especially if – and when – you are trying to catch up to them.
About the Author
With 23 years’ writing experience, Dave Thomas covers a variety of small business topics for websites, including