Which Social Media Sites Does My Business Need?

Written by Adam Groff
Whether an established small business or a new startup, social media means big business.
Think of social media as a middleman between the business and the consumer: without that common thread, the two parties will unravel. That’s why it’s crucial for any company to implement social media into their business platform.
Here are just a handful of social media sites every small business should be taking advantage of >>>
Brand Development, Day-to-Day Business and More
Businessfriend is a professional social network unlike anything the internet has seen before. Its a total business ecosystem, where companies large and small can develop their brands, promote their message, handle internal communication, recruitment and much more. Businessfriend has all the well known qualities of a social network; a profile, company pages, and an email function, but it also offers some completely unique features that will change the way we do business online. It helps its users handle recruitment through unique compatibility matches; it acts as an intranet and provides each user with cloud storage.
Businessfriend is not exclusively about promoting your business online, its about running your business from a portable, flexible and highly engaging online tool.
The All-Encompassing Facebook
When it comes to social media, what could be better than a site with the nickname “the social network?” There are countless reasons why Facebook is the ultimate form of social media, but there’s one overwhelming reason it works so well for businesses: constant contact.
With more than 1 billion users, that’s billion with a B as in business is going to thrive, Facebook has become a social destination for literally everyone. In terms of businesses, Facebook provides a built in audience. The sea of Facebook users can interact in any number of ways with a Facebook business page by “liking” business related posts, sharing business pages, and even “checking in” at actual business locations.
Read Related Articles In Business Review Australia
- The Social Revolution gets Friendly on Businessfriend
- Facebook 2013 Updates for Business Users
- How to Make Your Business a Social Business
When a Business Tweets, Customers Will Flock
Twitter is the anywhere, anytime, anything form of social media with over 500 million users and counting. And, with the ability to tweet just about anything to an overwhelmingly massive audience, the marketing possibilities for businesses is unending.
Twitter gives a business the ability to inform and update their customers through twitter feeds, which act as mini newsfeeds that can be delivered at any interval. In relation to this, customers can choose to “follow” a business to receive informative “tweets” about the business, its products, and upcoming events and promotions.
Building Business Links
Linkedin uses much the same platform as Facebook, only Linkedin is more of a business-to-business network rather than a social one (although it’s very social too). And, with over 200 million business minded users, Linkedin is an indispensible networking source for any business.
As for connecting to customers, Linkedin might not be as effective as the sites above, but what it lacks in customer presence, it makes up for with professional connections. And, industry relationships are just as important as customer relationships; keeping in touch with other businesses is essential to company and industry growth.
The Business Side of Blogging
An up to date business blog with consistent posts can be a valuable asset to any company trying to get social with their media. Although it doesn’t have a built-in audience like the sites above, with persistent and quality content, a solid blog can attract numerous customers.
Blogging not only brings customers to a website, but by using keywords to link to other credible, related sites, the company’s online presence will increase along with its page rank. Businesses with informative, well-constructed blogs are proven to perform better in search engine results thus increasing customer awareness.
From customer “likes” on Facebook to tweeting your way to new customers to setting your company apart with an engaging blog, social media is a must for today’s businesses.
So get that middleman up and running with any or all of the social media sites above.
About the Author
Adam Groff is a freelance writer and wizard of wide-ranging content. He specializes in writing on topics covering personal health to voip sip to being more social with social media.
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