Top Five Things You Need to Know About SEO
Why do you publish content online? To be seen, right? There is no point in posting content to your website unless it is going to be read, and the only way to ensure it is, is by following a few key SEO principles.
Business Review Australia highlights the top 10 key tips for boosting your site’s SEO strategy, thus gaining better traffic and ultimately ROI >>>
#1. Say it as it is
Google doesn’t have the time to work out the pun, or the clever joke behind your headline. It wants to know exactly what your article is about in as fewer words as possible. If you are writing an article about ways to encourage employee engagement, that should be your headline; Top Ways To Encourage Employee Engagement. Your headline should say exactly what your article does on the tin.
#2. Keywords are King
As you are writing your article make sure you understand what you top five to ten keywords are. For example if I am writing an article about social media marketing, then my keywords could potentially be the following:
social media, social networking, marketing, marketing 2.0, Facebook, Twitter, Businessfriend, social business, consumer engagement, online marketing
Once you have identified your keywords, be sure to include them within the headline, standfirst and body of the text, without keyword stuffing (and that is very important). Make sure the piece reads well, and if you read the draft back and you think that you have used the same keyword too many times… you have.
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#3. Use BOLD text
Use bold text to highlight keywords and sentences. Google is searching for information and can see that you have highlighted certain words, which indicates to Google robots that those are important, therefore ranking you higher for those search terms.
#4. Unique content
It should go without saying, but unique content is possibly the most important thing when it comes to basic SEO principles. Google can tell if you have copied and pasted from another online source and will penalise you for it if the content is not attributed to the original source or accounts for more that 80 percent of the copy.
Make sure your content is unique and well written.
#5. Make sure it is relevant
Google doesn’t only look at articles in exclusion, but measures it based on the rest of the content on the website. If you normally write content about best practice in law and then one day write an article about fashion for example, Google will not rank that article highly because it doesn’t target your demographic and you have no credibility as a fashion source.
Visit Business Review Australia Next Week For More Top Tips For SEO Best Practice In 2013