The Chiropractors’ Association of Australia (National) limited (CAA) is the peak body representing chiropractors in Australia. With over 3,000 members, the CAA is the largest chiropractic health body in Australia, and coordinates its efforts with its eight autonomous CAA state and territory organizations.
The CAA was established in September 1990 by the amalgamation of the then two national organizations: the Australian Chiropractors’ Association (ACA) and the United Chiropractors Association of Australasia Ltd (UCAA). The ACA, the elder of the two bodies, was founded in 1938 and the UCAA Ltd came into existence in 1961. Both organizations brought significant contributions of tradition and experience to the CAA.
The CAA’s core purpose is to exist as the peak body representing Chiropractors and the CAA vision statement is to empower Australians to experience optimal health through chiropractic care and an active process of healthy lifestyle choices. The CAA’s mission is to provide leadership and facilitate unity and excellence within the profession; assist members to deliver patient centered, holistic, natural, competent and effective health care; to support and represent members and be responsive to their needs; to engage with stakeholders including governments, academic institutions, media and the public; facilitate and promote communication between members and non-members; develop and promote chiropractic practice, education and research. Set and maintain standards, and uphold the CAA National core values.
CAA National recognizes and supports the following core values: Chiropractors as experts in spinal health and well-being, the profound significance and value of chiropractic in health care in Australia, the highest standards of ethics and professionalism in the areas of research, education and practice, a commitment to evidence based practice – the integration of best available research evidence, clinical expertise and patient values and choices. Inclusiveness and collaborative relationships within and outside the chiropractic profession, practicing the highest standards of representative engagement and the principle of unity with diversity within the profession.
Joining the CAA is an investment in our members’ future and that of the chiropractic profession. The CAA facilitates enhancement of chiropractic resources, stronger lobbying power for legislative and patient benefits, as well as the best service and promotion of chiropractic. Some core reasons our members join CAA include: risk management and professional indemnity insurance, public education and promotion, education and career advancement, advocacy / political strategy and direction, recognition of members’ chiropractic expertise, clinic resources and information, chiropractic fellowship, chiropractic research, product discounts and support networks.
The CAA has two key events which take place each year: Spinal Health Week and the National Development Forum. Spinal Health Week is a national initiative held every May where members have the opportunity to educate Australians about the importance of spinal health in improving overall health and wellness. They also get the chance to promote their clinics and the profession of chiropractic. The week is enhanced by a theme that contributes to the overall promotion of the week, this year the theme was ‘Live better, we’ve got your back’ which focused on the benefits of living longer and improving postural fitness as well as speaking to the broader public of the need to support chiropractic care and research.
National Development Forum, usually held in October, combines an exciting program of formal learning with terrific networking opportunities and a wonderful location. At this premier educational event chiropractors can gain most, if not all, their Formal Learning Activity (FLA) hours, contributing toward their annual CPD total - a crucial part of ongoing registration. Drawing on expertise within Australia and internationally, NDF is proud to present educators who are leaders in their respective fields.
The CAA also use its resources to promote the chiropractic profession with public education. There are many topics in the media which chiropractors can share their expert knowledge and experience. Some of the latest news include: ‘Sitting is the new smoking’- the dangers of an inactive lifestyle and how sitting down for too long can affect your health; Spinal Fitness- how to improve your spinal health through correct posture; and overall wellbeing advice such as maintaining healthy habits like exercise and healthy eating.