Bis Industries: Hauling, Processing and Handling Tonnes of Success
It was only a couple of years back, November of 2011, that Bis Industries launched its new brand. However, there is a rich, innovative, honest and hardworking history of work experience that led up to its launch – there’s nothing new about Bis Industries’ dedication to premium solutions.
Bis Industries is a leading provider of resource handling solutions and specialised logistics to the resources sector in Australia. The Company is acknowledged as an innovative provider of solutions to Australia’s resources industry through services that include off-road load and haul, specialised underground equipment services, specialised logistics management, site services, infrastructure projects and crushing and mineral extraction. And there truly is an emphasis on innovation and value generating solutions. Bis Industries’ clients greatly appreciate the way the Company is able to tailor custom solutions for them. . This has helped their clients overcome very specific challenges where no solution previously existed.
Bis Industries’ Services
Bis Industries’ solutions can be categorisedinto four major service provision areas:
1)Off-road Load and Haul: Management of bulk resource commodities utilising innovative and unique dual-powered off road haulage equipment
2)Specialised Logistics: Haulage of goods and commodities with highly specialised transport and handling requirements
3)Site Services, Infrastructure, Crushing and Mineral Extraction: Specialised site services including scrap handling, waste management, molten metals slag handling and processing and a range of other materials handling services. This service extends to crushing of bulk commodities and minerals extraction, including quarry management. They own, operate and maintain fixed infrastructure including a magnetite iron ore tailings storage facility, pulverised coal injection (PCI) plant and Plantation Soft Wood Chip mill facility
4)Underground Services: Bis Industries owns and maintain the largest pool of specialised underground longwall change out equipment in Australia. This pool services approximately 75% of all longwall moves in the Australian coal industry. This was recently recognisedby the NSW Minerals Council, when Bis Industries was named as runner up Supplier of the Year to the NSW Mining Industry.
Bis Industries provides these services for a large variety of products including coal, iron ore, nickel, gold, copper, acid, quarry products, bauxite and steel.
Committed to Zero Harm
First and foremost Bis Industries is committed to ensuring the safety of their people, the community and the environment. The fundamental value of Bis Industries is their Zero Harm principle. Zero injuries, zero environmental damage and zero property damage.
This approach to safety is firmly engrained in all their people and operating culture. It’s no surprise they have an industry leading safety record and are continually recognized by Comcare, the Agency responsible for workplace safety, rehabilitation and compensation in the Australian Commonwealth. Bis Industries was recently recognized by Comcare for their Workplace Health and Wellbeing Initiative and Solution to an Identified Workplace Health and Safety Hazard, picking up both awards in 2014, after also receiving two awards in 2013.
People Behind Progress
Bis Industries fully recognisesthe outstanding value and capability of its employees. The Company has approximately 1,700 people at 75 sites across Australia. This talented and hardworking force enables Bis Industries to consistently deliver innovative solutions to a significant number of Australia’s largest miners, including Fortescue Metals Group, BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Glencore Xstrata.
The company is highly focused on ensuring that every employee is safe, well trained and fully supported in their specific area of expertise. Ongoing performance reviews, training targets and internal promotions are key focus areas in acknowledging the vital role their employees play in the ongoing success of the company.
Innovation is Essential to Bis Industries' Successful Operations
Bis Industries invests heavily in innovation. There is a longstanding cultural approach to innovation that continues to help them stand out within the resources industry. This uniqueness has helped them display a clear standard in the industry as a value delivering, innovative supplier. Importantly, Bis Industries' approach to innovation helps drive their clients business forward, helping them achieve greater performance in their competitive market place.
Two recent examples of Bis Industries’ unique achievements in innovation include their fleet of dual-powered road trains and a recently installed dry tailings conveyer infrastructure solution. These innovative responses to client’s demands are a key factor in Bis Industries being recognised as an innovator and a reliable partner in the resources industry.
Many of these innovations are largely supported by their internal IT team. New technology and operational developments are bolstered by a strong focus on reliable IT solutions which employees, customers and suppliers can count on time and time again. Bis Industries has invested a great deal in customized, proprietary systems. One such system is OSCAR which captures detailed performance information on all of Bis Industries assets, including a full analysis of delays that may be encountered during a shift. And there’s also BisTrack which is a vehicle monitoring, tracking and engine management tool, utilising on-board truck computers collecting GPS tracking information and monitoring all vital functions.
Bis Industries also recognisesthe great importance of staying connected, especially for its employees who work at remote locations. Because of the remoteness of their work sites, the requirements of a strong Zero Harm culture and the long shifts they work, these employees often have limited access to current information about the company. To remedy the issue of reduced connectivity Bis Industries has been implementing onsite IT kiosks throughout their operations. This allows their people to access company announcements, safety information, training and development information, internal career opportunities and even provides a channel for submitting anonymous feedback.
With the same intention of helping their employees stay connected, Bis Industries also developed a mobile app. This mobile app provides an ideal means for people working in remote mine locations to maintain a high level of two-way communication with the business. It reinforces a safety first attitude and keeps employees engaged and well informed of current activities across the business.
Bis Industries also launched its CEO video updates in 2011 which feature approximately three-minute long videos from the CEO. The subject matter of these videos is updated with relevant, current topics such as a Zero Harm message, a new contract win, a training opportunity or a new policy or procedure. This has proven to be yet another very effective means of keeping all of their people connected, safe and happy with their roles. Not only that, but is also proving to increase motivation of individual employees since these videos help prevent them from feeling detached from the Company. These regular updates and message from the CEO demonstrate the Company’s recognition of the great value they assign to their people. Among many positives, this promotes an improved sense of self-worth and increased motivation for employees to contribute to the Company’s success.
Supplier and Customer Relationships Play Critical Role
Bis Industries operates with the knowledge that the greatest success is achieved by promoting the success of others, and that by helping others accomplish their goals, the Company will also accomplish its own goals. Bis Industries maintains a strong commitment to their customers, stakeholders and suppliers.
Bis Industries endeavours to foster long-term relationships with its customers at every opportunity. By doing so, they are able to learn how to best support their customers and deliver solutions for their specific needs. The Company invests a great deal of effort in customer feedback, helping them keep current with the level of satisfaction of their customers while gaining invaluable insights on what the Company is doing right and what it could be doing to improve.
Critically Bis Industries knows that optimal success for the Company is achieved through mutually beneficial supplier relationships. Bis Industries operates from a position of complete respect and appreciation for its suppliers. . By continuously revisiting the needs of its suppliers and enabling open, two-way communication, the Company has been able to help its suppliers improve their operating efficiency and accuracy, reducing costs and saving time. Bis Industries approach to suppliers is based on a long term and very open relationship.